Identitas Sosio Kultural Tou: Rekonstruksi Identitas Sosio Kultural Sebagai Identitas Sosial Minahasa Kini
Tou socio-cultural, Minahasan, social identity
The article explores the reconstruction of Tou socio-cultural identity as the Minahasan social
identity. Especially, after Tou experienced reduction by local people and being marginalized by
migrants. Therefore, the reconstruction of Tou socio-cultural identity aims to repositioning Tou as
a social identity in the land of Minahasa. Since Tou is not only an identity constructed by the
ancestors to answer the challenges of their time. Tou is also a social identity which is inherited to
becoming a common identity in the Minahasan land which is capable of caring, and sustaining the
diversity from time to time.