Kontekstualisasi Ibadah Sebagai Usaha Kontekstualisasi Teologi
Contextual theology has been developed since 1972, which is giving emphasize in the evangelism
with regarding the culture context and all kind of changes that happened. To find how the contextual
theology could be implemented in the church’s life then it’ll need an effort to make it happened in
all kind of church’s activity, one of them is contextualization of worship. Because of that this paper
will try to find the correlation between contextual theology and contextual worship. The worship
refers to liturgical worship. In the end of the result, there’s suggestion to make a liturgy with
contextual attribute, in the form of translation liturgy (conventional worship), antropology (ethnical
worship), praxis (social worship), synthesis (collaboration of conventional, ethnic, and social), and
transcendental (contemporary worship).