Pemuridan kepada Generasi Muda dalam Masyarakat Majemuk di Jemaat GMIM “Damai” Belang Wilayah Belang

  • James Adrian Universitas Kristen Indonesia Tomohon
Keywords: Discipleship, Christian, Young Generation


Discipleship itself is not just a regular agenda or activity of Christian community that held as an
initiative of church leader or the assambly however a Great Commission of Jesus Christ (Matt. 28:18-
20). In the Great Commission, we can find the fundamental truth about the imperative language of
Jesus Christ for His disciples, the commission is not to go and build churches, however go and make
disciples. Make disciples is the priority for the followers of God and been doing it with natural way
through the lifestyle, not only with teaching, however becoming role model for many people
especially young generation. Discipleship in the Christian life suppose to be continues agenda from
age to age, and because of that discipleship suppose to be regenerate from parents to the young
generation even to the children. Discipleship is the soul of Christianity and if discipleship stop then
Christianity also will stop and that’s not what Jesus Christ want as a Head of the Church.
