Gereja Dalam Pandangan Paulus

  • Denny Adri Tarumingi Universitas Kristen Indonesia Tomohon
Keywords: church, paul’s opinion


Church is an inseparable part of the Christian faith, Church is the reality of faith. Church becomes a
reality of faith because Christians believe in the presence of God in the Church itself. In the Church,
God exists and doing His work for the world through Jesus Christ with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
The Church that we know is a fellowship of the believers that have faith in Jesus Christ, in its journey
facing so many sorrows. Church nowadays happened to exist in the reality of pluralism; religion,
culture, social situation, economy, and poverty, those all becoming issues that growing in the journey
of the Church. Those realities, specifically the poverty issue also happened in the Church. The
poverty issue is relating to the modernization dan globalization. The modernization brings so many
changes else than poverty, such as individualism, exclusivism, and secularism. And we can’t deny
that the influence of those things happened in the Church and its service.
Paul the apostle also states his concern for the Church. Paul, besides seeing Church as the universal
one, also seeing it as the specific one. Especially, the main concern of Paul not only to the
understanding of the Church itself, but the problems that the Corinthians is facing. Such as flesh,
offerings, idolatry, adulterous, and the conflict inside the congregation.
