Teologi Inkarnasi Sebagai Pola Misi Gereja Menuju “Missional Church”

  • Linda Patricia Ratag
Keywords: Theology of Incarnation, Church, Missional Church, Hospitality


God calls humans to be His partners to carry out God's mission in this world to restore His corrupted
creations. The Biblical foundation of this call is Matthew 28: 19-20, known as the Great Commission
of Jesus Christ to His disciples. The Incarnation Theology is the pattern of God's mission: just as
God sent Jesus Christ into this world, so Jesus Christ sent the church to continue His mission.
Incarnation is very important to understand what mission is. Jesus Christ is the key to understand
God's mission. Jesus is the center and model of mission, Jesus himself is the mission of God. Through
the incarnation, Jesus introduced the Father to the church and Christians. In the New Testament, the
church is the body of Christ, therefore the mission of the church in this world must be like Christ or
be based on the pattern of Jesus' mission. The twelve disciples of Jesus saw themselves as part of the
body of Christ, thus the mission of the church was a continuation of the incarnation. The church is a
mission agent to bring shalom to those in need, to be carriers of justice and peace. Two important
things that must be done by the church-related to mission are proclamation and demonstration.
Proclamation means teaching and preaching while the demonstration is carrying out social actions and
humanitarian actions. Hospitality can be a means or reference for church toward missional church.
